Thank you for your interest in MSI and Vision:CHC. From this page, you can select and download our company and product brochures. To download, please click on the link of the brochures you are interested in and save to your computer.

About MSI describes our company, products, and services.
Vision:CHC for Public Health summarizes Vision:CHC’s features and functions that are designed specifically for the unique needs of public health departments.
Vision:CHC Electronic Health Records describe our EHR, which is designed by community health physicians.
Vision:CHC Practice Management is a recap of billing, operational, and financial functionality that is exclusive to community health centers.
Vision:CHC Reports describes the powerful reporting capabilities of Vision:CHC’s standard and ad hoc reporting designed for community health centers.
Vision:CHC Dashboard presents a unique management approach to monitoring trends and measuring performance against goals for over 50 key performance indicators.